GLADI Events
Roundtable Conversations
Listening and Dialogue for Peace and Justice
June 5, 2024 at 4:00 pm, Tufts University
Generous Listening Workshop
June 12, 2024
Listening and Leading: The Art and Science of Peace, Resilience, and Transformational Justice
July 25-28, 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda
Past Events
GLADC’s Listening and Dialogue with Dinner (LADD)
Monday, March 27, 2023 | 5:30 PM | Breed Memorial Hall
- What are the dialogue skills needed for polarizing conversations?
- How can restorative justice support our shared community life?
This Generous Listening and Dialogue Spring event, hosted by the Tufts’ Generous Listening and Dialogue Center (GLADC), seeks to help us reflect on these questions while practicing our generous listening and dialogue skills. The GLADC’s Dialogue Ambassadors, Tufts graduate and undergraduate students, will facilitate listening and dialogue exercises over a community dinner.

GLADC's Fall Summit: "A Search for Common Ground"
Wednesday, October 12, 4 - 7 pm
Featuring two nationally renowned scholars, Drs. Pedro Noguera and Frederick Hess, discussing their book A Search for Common Ground and the importance of finding a common ground, despite political and policy differences, on education. Their work illustrates a model of civil debate between those with substantial principled differences.