Contact Us

Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life
Tufts University
Barnum Hall
163 Packard Ave.
Medford, MA 02155
Office: 617-627-3453
Contact a Staff Member
If you're looking for more information or have a question about a specific area of our work, consult the list below:
- Events: Jess Byrnes, Program Administrator
- Student Programs: Tania M Mireles, Director of Tisch College Programs
- Research/Civic Studies: Peter Levine, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
- Community Partnerships: Shirley Mark, Director of Community Partnerships
- Faculty: Diane Ryan, Associate Dean for Programs and Administration
To request a meeting with Dean Dayna Cunningham, please contact her assistant, Judith Taliaferro. To speak with other Tisch College leaders about specific programs or initiatives, find the appropriate staff member here.
Press Inquiries
Tisch College leaders, experts, and researchers are available to speak on topics related to higher education, elections, civic engagement and civic education, youth voting and youth development, and more. For inquiries, please contact Jennifer McAndrew, our Director of Communications, Planning & Strategy by email or 617-627-2029.