Building Robust & Inclusive Democracy


Election 2024

Find election resources, get involved with JumboVote, and sign up for free election reminders through Turbovote! Election Day is Tuesday, November 5.

Find your State's Ballot Deadlines

Election 2024

Find election resources, get involved with JumboVote, and sign up for free election reminders through Turbovote! Election Day is Tuesday, November 5.

Find your State's Ballot Deadlines


JumboVote is a nonpartisan organization at Tufts University dedicated to promoting civic engagement and voter turnout. JumboVote is affiliated with the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life and the Andrew Goodman Foundation. Our goal is to equip and empower students to participate in our democracy on Election Day and beyond.


Tufts partners with TurboVote by Democracy Works to help individuals vote by providing personalized information, tools, and reminders to cast their ballots.

2024 Polling Locations

Are you registered to vote at your campus address? Use this resource to find your polling location.

cSPA Voters' Guide

To help voters understand policy issues in Massachusetts, Tisch College's Center for State Policy Analysis (cSPA) provides non-partisan research on all state ballot questions.

Tufts Election Resources

For more election resources, including election day programming, visit the Office of Student Life's election resources site. 

Mail in Ballot Request Deadlines

State/TerritoryBallot Request DeadlineState/TerritoryBallot Request DeadlineState/TerritoryBallot Request Deadline
Alabama10/29Kansas10/29Northern Mariana Islands10/11
AlaskaMail: 10/26
Online: 11/4
American Samoa10/21Louisiana11/1Oklahoma**10/21
California10/29Massachusetts10/29Puerto Rico9/16
ColoradoN/A*Michigan11/1Rhode Island10/15
Connecticut11/4Minnesota11/4South Carolina10/25
DelawareMail: 11/1
Online: 11/4
Mississippi**11/4South Dakota**11/4
GuamMail: 11/2
Phone: 11/5
Hawaii10/29New Hampshire11/4Virgin Islands10/14
Idaho10/25New Jersey10/29Virginia10/25
Illinois10/31New Mexico10/22Washington11/5
Indiana10/24New York10/26West Virginia10/30
Iowa10/21North Carolina10/29Wisconsin10/31
  North Dakota11/4Wyoming11/4

* Ballots automatically sent to registered voters at the address on their voter registration. Absentee ballot request is only for those who need ballots mailed to a different address.

** States that require notarization at some point in the absentee ballot process. Please contact for a notary before making any marks on your ballot or envelope.

Mail in Ballot Return Deadlines

StateBallot Return DeadlineStateBallot Return DeadlineStateBallot Return Deadline
Alabama11/5Kansas11/5Northern Mariana Islands11/5
AlaskaMail: Postmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/15
Online: 11/5
Kentucky11/5OhioPostmarked by 11/4 and received by 11/9
American Samoa11/5Louisiana11/4Oklahoma11/5
Arizona11/5Maine11/5OregonPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/12
Arkansas11/5MarylandPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/15Pennsylvania11/5
CaliforniaPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/12MassachusettsPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/8Puerto RicoPostmarked by 11/5
Colorado11/5Michigan11/5Rhode Island11/5
Connecticut11/5Minnesota11/5South Carolina11/5
Delaware11/5MississippiPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/13South Dakota11/5
DCPostmarked by 11/5 and 
received by 11/15
Florida11/5Montana11/5TexasPostmarked  by 11/5 and received by 11/6
Georgia11/5Nebraska11/5UtahPostmarked by 11/4
GuamPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/20NevadaPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/9 Vermont11/5
Hawaii11/5New Hampshire11/5Virgin IslandsPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/15
Idaho11/5New JerseyPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/11VirginiaPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/8
IllinoisPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/19New Mexico11/5WashingtonPostmarked by 11/5
Indiana11/5New YorkPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/12West VirginiaPostmarked by 11/5 and received by 11/11
Iowa11/5North Carolina11/5Wisconsin11/5
  North DakotaPostmarked 11/4Wyoming11/5

More Elections News

Check out Tufts coverage of the 2024 races, from voters and candidates to the state and federal issues at stake.