Based in either Urubamba, Peru, or Chiang Mai, Thailand, this transformational first-semester program combines academic and experiential learning with a focus on community engagement and social and environmental justice.
Based in either Urubamba, Peru, or Chiang Mai, Thailand, this transformational first-semester program combines academic and experiential learning with a focus on community engagement and social and environmental justice.
Civic Semester has been a life-changing program. I’m coming home with a whole new perspective, and I can’t really imagine starting my Tufts experience any other way. I feel like I've grown and seen way more than I ever could in a normal first semester on campus.
School: Tisch College of Civic Life and the School of Arts and Sciences Degree: Bachelor of Arts Home: Wherever love is. For me, that’s Chicago and Boston.
Tisch College’s innovative bridge year program provides accepted Tufts students the opportunity to learn from a transformational year of full-time community service before beginning their academic studies. Note: The bridge year program is currently on hiatus following the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic.