Building Robust & Inclusive Democracy


red background with the words "IN THE NEWS"
Commonwealth Beacon

With housing crisis, it often feels like same old story

This article cites a 2023 report from cSPA, conducted in conjunction with the Greater Boston Real Estate Board, that found about 36% of Community Preservation Act (CPA) communities have not met affordable housing requirements.
yellow background with the words "IN THE NEWS"
The New York Times

What Are Young Voters Looking For?

Abby Kiesa of CIRCLE is quoted about the importance of “connecting elections to something that resonates with younger voters — that is meaningful to their lives.”
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ABC News

Issues, not candidates, are motivating young voters

Abby Kiesa of CIRCLE, is quoted about why young voters are likely to be motivated by issues and less by a specific candidate. CIRCLE analysis of Edison Research National Election Pool exit poll on what issues influenced youth voters in the 2022 midterms is also referenced.
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