Building Robust & Inclusive Democracy
Sara Folta

Sara Folta

Sara Folta

Research/Areas of Interest

My research interests focus on public health nutrition, or the utilization of community-based strategies for improving dietary intake, physical activity, and body composition. I have particular expertise in behavioral psychology, communications, and qualitative methods.A major line of my research involves community-based interventions to improve heart health among women. A second area of research includes behavioral strategies to improve health and well-being among older adults, particularly through the development of physical activity interventions. My third line of research involves community-based interventions for obesity prevention among children. My studies, in which theory-based communications strategies are a major component, are notable for the use of the eco-social model in which multiple levels (individual-organization-community-policy) are targeted


  • Ph.D, Friedman School, Tufts University, United States, 2005
  • M.S., The University of Vermont, United States, 1995
  • B.A. in Biology, Middlebury College, United States, 1988


Sara C. Folta is an Associate Professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy.