Building Robust & Inclusive Democracy

Data Downloads and Tools for Scholars


CES responses are publicly available.  The CES Dataverse is the go-to website to download various CES datasets. The CES Dataverse contains:

  1. Each year's common content survey data
  2. A "cumulative" dataset that stacks together each year's common content by standardizing the coding of the most common variables
  3. Team modules in even years (it is up to the team PIs to disclose odd-year modules)

Question Bank

Search all common content questionnaires from our 2008 - 2022 surveys
Search for questions asked on team modules since 2016

Congressional District-Level Data

Vote Choice and Population Size by Geography, Demographics, and Turnout (Dataverse, 2023) contains estimates for Presidential vote choice by CD and race (in 2016 and 2020), as well as demographic group size that is useful for weighting surveys.


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