Building Robust & Inclusive Democracy

Civic Studies Co-Major & Minors

Tisch College is at the forefront of a growing academic discipline: Civic Studies. Civic Studies is an intellectual complement of movements to improve societies by engaging their citizens to make change. The process of change-making requires that people come together and ask, “What should we do?” Those four words raise intricate questions of individual and group identity, of shared and divergent values, of relationship- and trust-building, of strategies for collective action, of shared and divergent norms for discourse, and more. Each of these recurrent questions of process or method is deeply interrelated and is a topic of ongoing research, experimentation, and learning within the field of Civic Studies. See this “learning map” for an outline of the questions for the discipline.


students in classroom speaking at table

Civic Studies Co-Major: Tufts’ Civic Studies major is the first academic program of its kind in the world. Students focus on critical reflection, ethical thinking, and action for social change – within and between societies.

Peace and Justice Studies Minor: For students interested in understanding the sustainability of nonviolent interaction and the nature of conflicts across contexts.

Entrepreneurship for Social Impact Minor: For students who want to solve problems in today’s society and drive impact through practical, community-oriented enterprise.

Civic Science: The Civic Science Initiative at Tisch College seeks to repair the disconnection between the institution of science and the publics it means to serve.

Civic Studies Faculty and Staff

Faculty from many schools and departments teach Civic Studies courses. Explore the range of disciplines and interests of the scholars who teach in the Civic Studies program.

Faculty  Staff

Peter Levine siting in a classroom talking