Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg of CIRCLE is quoted about the legal responsibility of colleges and universities to help students vote, noting, “How institutions feel they can interpret that these days really seems to vary.” CIRCLE data on college student and youth voter turnout in 2020 and 2022 midterms are also referenced.
This news segment cites data from Tisch College’s CIRCLE that showed 41 million members of Gen Z are eligible to vote in this year's presidential election.
Alberto Medina, spokesperson for CIRCLE, says that “young people really vote and engage based on the issues that they care about, and that is what often drives and motivates their participation in the electoral process.” CIRCLE data on issues that are important to young voters is included.
This updated guide to the Massachusetts election cites data from cSPA on Ballot Question 1, on whether the state auditor should be allowed to investigate the state legislature.